About Us
The surname Maher means 'Gracious Host', so we were literally born for this! Ballinkeele is cared for by the current generation of the Maher Family who built the house in the 1840s - your hosts Val & Laura.
Val's parents before them have been welcoming guests to Ballinkeele since the 1980s and we have hosted numerous family gatherings. We know what we are doing & do our very best to make you feel right at home.
Laura - a proud Galway Girl - and Val - an IT whizz - met while working in the IT department of Guinness at St. James's Gate back in 2000. The rest as they say is history... there's certainly lots of that here! Four gorgeous children and 2 doggies later, we've found a new way to share our house with people using the technology we know well.
The house is heated with air-source heat pumps and there's WiFi throughout - Ballinkeele really is the best of both worlds!